
很庆幸能拥有几个这样的好朋友,就是不管有多久没见了,再见面的感觉总像昨日刚分别一样,生疏尴尬都是不存在的。真感谢时间和空间并没有给我们留下任何间隙。I'm glad to have sever...



I'm glad to have several such good friends, that is, no matter how long I haven't seen each other, the feeling of seeing each other again is always the same as yesterday's separation. There is no strangers and embarrassment.

Thank you very much that time and space have not left us any gap. ​

忙碌充实的生活励志经典短句大全_忙碌充实的生活励志  第1张



The person who tidied up the room said, "you should make a good decision on where to put things. If you can't decide where to put things immediately, you should have a temporary storage area. Put things there for the time being and deal with them as soon as possible."

——I have practiced such a theory, but the people who pile up in the temporary storage area will be my own friends.

忙碌充实的生活励志经典短句大全_忙碌充实的生活励志  第2张



Young people talk about commodity prices with milk tea as a reference, such as "just a few cups of milk tea for money".

The reference of the previous generation was pork. For example, my mother often said, "it's so expensive? You can buy XX Jin of pork.".

忙碌充实的生活励志经典短句大全_忙碌充实的生活励志  第3张




Although my good friends and I are scattered in different cities and can't meet frequently to create happiness in each other's lives, the memories between us are the most warm existence in my heart.

I hope we can take good care of ourselves and live a happy and fulfilling life.

Even if I don't see you, I'm still looking forward to you in the distance.

忙碌充实的生活励志经典短句大全_忙碌充实的生活励志  第4张



Every day is very ordinary, every festival is very ordinary, and every year is very ordinary.

Just look at who you spend these days with, what people and memories you have, and what matters is these things.

忙碌充实的生活励志经典短句大全_忙碌充实的生活励志  第5张




I seldom chat with my friends for a long time on the Internet. I always think that my enthusiasm can be conveyed through the text screen. In the past, only one or two out of ten.

If you are free, you prefer to meet out and have a steaming meal together. Boring movies can also become chatty.

I can wipe tears for each other when I'm sad and hug when I'm excited. I still prefer this kind of meeting relationship.

忙碌充实的生活励志经典短句大全_忙碌充实的生活励志  第6张





In general, my "weekend business" refers to:

Sleep until noon, get up, wash your face and brush your teeth, turn on the stereo, make a cup of coffee, get something to eat, and then roll back to bed, read and brush the play for another sleep.

The only outdoor activity may be going downstairs to have dinner with friends, drink a little wine and throw away the garbage.

Very busy.

忙碌充实的生活励志经典短句大全_忙碌充实的生活励志  第7张

喜欢临近节日的那种气氛,圣诞、生日、见面、放假、 回家,春节都通通让我期待。


I like the atmosphere near the festival. I look forward to Christmas, birthday, meeting, vacation, going home and the Spring Festival.

Although the current Festival is very general, I like the atmosphere of meeting friends, the lively atmosphere of many people, and the broken thoughts that have been pressed in my heart recently.

忙碌充实的生活励志经典短句大全_忙碌充实的生活励志  第8张

郁达夫在日记里的年末总结写道: ​



Yu Dafu wrote in his diary:

A year is coming to an end, and it is the urgent scene of the late winter. I ran north and south. I had no achievements in a year and only won a lot of sadness and anger. Ah, it's boring to be a man.

In the blink of an eye, you will run away in December. I hope you can shine like stars in the rest of 21 years and try your best to leave no regrets.

忙碌充实的生活励志经典短句大全_忙碌充实的生活励志  第9张

【图源:牧吉岛 ​​】
