
译 典2021.11.1 第524期 别云间【明】夏完淳三年羁旅客,今日又南冠。无限山河泪,谁言天地宽。已知泉路近,欲别故乡难。毅魄归来日,灵旗空际看。教育部组织编写,温儒敏总主编《义务教育教科书...

译 典2021.11.1 第524期

别云间赏析和朗读(山坡羊骊山怀古)  第1张 别云间





XIA Wanchun (1631-1647), styled Cherishing the Ancient, Seclusion and Reiki’s Head by courtesy names, a native of Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture (present-day Songjiang District, Shanghai). Xia’s ancestral home was Kuaiji County, Zhejiang Province. He was a poet and a hero fighting against the Qing army in the late Ming dynasty.(周雅雅译)

别云间赏析和朗读(山坡羊骊山怀古)  第2张

Farewell to Clouds

By XIA Wanchun

Tr. ZHAO Yanchun

I have been so journing for yearsAnd now am made captive today.To our land I shed endless tears,Tho the sky rolls vast, as all say.I know my last day comes near;To Homeland it’s hard to say bye.When my heroic spirit’s back here,I’ll wave my ghost flag to the sky.

别云间赏析和朗读(山坡羊骊山怀古)  第3张

别云间赏析和朗读(山坡羊骊山怀古)  第4张译者简介:赵彦春,博士生导师,上海大学翻译研究出版主任,国际学术期刊Translating China主编,国际汉学与教育研究会会长、传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长、中国语言教育研究会副会长。

ZHAO Yanchun, Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Shanghai University Center for Translation and Publishing, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education Society, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion Committee, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, Vice President of China Language Education Association.








本期排版:曼 曼

《菩萨蛮 · 辛巳除夕宿重庆小龙坎大雪》To the Tune of Buddhaman《鹊踏枝 · 一水盈盈秋梦浅》(To the Tune of) A Magpie on the Branch《水调歌头·泊桐庐》Mooring at Tung Lodge《菩萨蛮 · 辛巳除夕宿重庆小龙坎大雪》To the Tune of Buddhaman《鹧鸪天 · 过雨微闻草木馨》(To the Tune of) Partridges in the Sky《鹧鸪天》(To the Tune of) Partridges in the Sky《满庭芳 · 香港沦陷后作》To the Tune of the Yard Full of Fragrance《南乡子 · 登京口北固亭有怀》 Climbing North Firm Tower at Townmouth《过零丁洋》A Visit to Lonely Ocean《秦楼月》(To the Tune of ) The Moon over Qin Tower《踏莎行 · 送寒云宿霭兰室》To the Tune of Treading on Grass《虞美人·戏朱经农》Kidding Zhu Jingnong《朝天子 · 咏喇叭》Ode to the Trumpet《水调歌头·南水北调入京》The South-North Water Diversion Project’s Coming to the Capital《秋巡徐州》Touring Xuzhou in Autumn《寄独秀》To Duxiu《太常引·建康中秋夜为吕叔潜赋》To the Tune of Grand Priest《南浦·游浣花溪,怜江介之木芙蓉,用玉田韵》To the Tune of South Moor《鹧鸪天 · 宿森林公园》Putting Up for the Night at a Forest Park《凤凰城》Phoenix Town 《菩萨蛮 · 赵州赏梨花遇养蜂人》In the Tune of Buddhaman《踏莎行 · 媚香楼》Love-for-Fragrance Tower《杏花疏影里,吹笛到天明》Climbing a Tower at Night and Recalling My Past Tour to Loshine《定风波》Be Still《夜航》A Night Cruise《蝶恋花·记梦》Recalling My Dream编辑:王傲霏, 二审:曼曼,终审:金石开

别云间赏析和朗读(山坡羊骊山怀古)  第5张
