
今天介绍这个词组,我们先看一下字典中的解释:Collins: If something such as a plan or a project goes full steam ahead, it pr...



Collins: If something such as a plan or a project goes full steam ahead, it progresses quickly.

Webster: used to say that something is being done with as much speed and power as possible.


1. The administration was determined to go full steam ahead with its reform programme. 当局决心全速推进其改革方案。

2. Once you make your decision, don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead! 一旦做了决定,就不要瞻前顾后,畏首畏尾,放手去干吧!

另外,steam[stiːm]原意为水蒸气,引申为“精力“之意。请注意不要与stem[stem] 混淆。Stem的名词意思是(植物)的主干,动词为”阻止“(to stop something unwanted from spreading or increasing),例句:

1. These measures are designed to stem the rise of violent crime.这些措施旨在遏制暴力犯罪的增加。

2. We must take action to stem the tide of resignations.我们必须采取行动制止愈演愈烈的辞职潮。

最后,我曾经在一个新闻里见到过“full steam behind(全速后退)“的用法,这也算是新闻编辑的某种活学活用。
